Work  > Miraka's Miracle
Miraka's Miracle
Project (2 weeks, 2023)
Miraka's Miracle is a speculative design project guided by Neel Mehta, envisioning a future profoundly shaped by the extensive influence of xenobots across various domains. Within this world, we follow Miraka's extraordinary journey as she undertakes a heroic mission to protect and safeguard the world.
Aditi Shinde, Dinu Kennedy
Why comic?
The decision to select comics for this speculative design project was instinctive as they offer a fresh and clear way to express our ideas in the world of sci-fi. Additionally, it provided us with a suitable medium to harness each other's skills.
Earth in 2100
By 2100, Xenobots, living cell-based robots, will have revolutionized the world, finding applications across a wide spectrum of fields, known as the "Coreclonics" era. Read the comic to see how the world embraced this innovation which became a household name.
Read the full comic here!
Click here to access the PDF version.
Our research began with Von Neumann's self-replicating machines and branched into various domains, culminating in a focus on using this technology for environmental restoration. We also tracked current technological milestones, foreseeing their transformation into everyday products in the future.